Senin, 10 Oktober 2011 at 7:39:00 PM Posted By : Intensicorei7™ 2 Comments

  • Merge Sort

public int[] mergeSort(int array[])
// pre: array is full, all elements are valid integers (not null)
// post: array is sorted in ascending order (lowest to highest)
 // if the array has more than 1 element, we need to split it and merge the sorted halves
 if(array.length > 1)
  // number of elements in sub-array 1
  // if odd, sub-array 1 has the smaller half of the elements
  // e.g. if 7 elements total, sub-array 1 will have 3, and sub-array 2 will have 4
  int elementsInA1 = array.length/2;
  // since we want an even split, we initialize the length of sub-array 2 to
  // equal the length of sub-array 1
  int elementsInA2 = elementsInA1;
  // if the array has an odd number of elements, let the second half take the extra one
  // see note (1)
  if((array.length % 2) == 1)
   elementsInA2 += 1;
  // declare and initialize the two arrays once we've determined their sizes
  int arr1[] = new int[elementsInA1];
  int arr2[] = new int[elementsInA2];
  // copy the first part of 'array' into 'arr1', causing arr1 to become full
  for(int i = 0; i < elementsInA1; i++)
   arr1[i] = array[i];
  // copy the remaining elements of 'array' into 'arr2', causing arr2 to become full
  for(int i = elementsInA1; i < elementsInA1 + elementsInA2; i++)
   arr2[i - elementsInA1] = array[i];
  // recursively call mergeSort on each of the two sub-arrays that we've just created
  // note: when mergeSort returns, arr1 and arr2 will both be sorted!
  // it's not magic, the merging is done below, that's how mergesort works :)
  arr1 = mergeSort(arr1);
  arr2 = mergeSort(arr2);
  // the three variables below are indexes that we'll need for merging
  // [i] stores the index of the main array. it will be used to let us
  // know where to place the smallest element from the two sub-arrays.
  // [j] stores the index of which element from arr1 is currently being compared
  // [k] stores the index of which element from arr2 is currently being compared
  int i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
  // the below loop will run until one of the sub-arrays becomes empty
  // in my implementation, it means until the index equals the length of the sub-array
  while(arr1.length != j && arr2.length != k)
   // if the current element of arr1 is less than current element of arr2
   if(arr1[j] < arr2[k])
    // copy the current element of arr1 into the final array
    array[i] = arr1[j];
    // increase the index of the final array to avoid replacing the element
    // which we've just added
    // increase the index of arr1 to avoid comparing the element
    // which we've just added
   // if the current element of arr2 is less than current element of arr1
    // copy the current element of arr1 into the final array
    array[i] = arr2[k];
    // increase the index of the final array to avoid replacing the element
    // which we've just added
    // increase the index of arr2 to avoid comparing the element
    // which we've just added
  // at this point, one of the sub-arrays has been exhausted and there are no more
  // elements in it to compare. this means that all the elements in the remaining
  // array are the highest (and sorted), so it's safe to copy them all into the
  // final array.
  while(arr1.length != j)
   array[i] = arr1[j];
  while(arr2.length != k)
   array[i] = arr2[k];
 // return the sorted array to the caller of the function
 return array;

Note (1): When you divide an integer 7 by 2 in Java (or any other similar programming language), the result will be 3, not 3.5 or 4! Java does not round integer divisions, it simply cuts off the decimal points. So to split an array of size 7 into 2 halves, we divide 7 by 2 and get 3, which we record as the length of the first array. We then set the length of the second array to be 3 as well. After that, we check if 7 mod 2 == 1 (the array has an odd number of elements) and if so, we increase the length of the second array from 3 to 4. That way, 7 is split into 3 and 4.

  • Bubble Sort
public int[] bubbleSort(int array[])
// pre: array is full, all elements are valid integers (not null)
// post: array is sorted in ascending order (lowest to highest)
 boolean swappedOnPrevRun = true;
  swappedOnPrevRun = false;   // this variable keeps track of whether to continue sorting or exit
  for(int i = 0; i < array.length - 1; i++) // loop through every element in the array,
        // except for the last one
   if(array[i] > array[i + 1])  // if current element is greater than the next
    // swap the two elements
    swappedOnPrevRun = true; // we don't want the loop to end just yet, we're not done
    int temp = array[i];  // store element i in a temporary variable
    array[i] = array[i + 1]; // set element i+1 to where i used to be
    array[i + 1] = temp;  // release the old i from temp into i+1 slot
 return array;

These are the steps taken to sort an array using BubbleSort:

Elements in red indicate swaps.
The green dash indicates return to position 0.

[3][5][4][9][2] -- original
[3][5][4][9][2] -- compare 3 to 5
[3][5][4][9][2] -- compare 5 to 4
[3][4][5][9][2] -- swap 4 and 5
[3][4][5][9][2] -- compare 5 to 9
[3][4][5][9][2] -- compare 9 to 2
[3][4][5][2][9] -- swap 2 and 9
[3][4][5][2][9] -- compare 3 to 4
[3][4][5][2][9] -- compare 4 to 5
[3][4][5][2][9] -- compare 5 to 2
[3][4][2][5][9] -- swap 2 and 5
[3][4][2][5][9] -- compare 5 to 9
[3][4][2][5][9] -- compare 3 to 4
[3][4][2][5][9] -- compare 4 to 2
[3][2][4][5][9] -- swap 2 and 4
[3][2][4][5][9] -- compare 4 to 5
[3][2][4][5][9] -- compare 5 to 9
[3][2][4][5][9] -- compare 3 to 2
[2][3][4][5][9] -- swap 2 and 3
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 3 to 4
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 4 to 5
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 5 to 9
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 2 to 3
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 3 to 4
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 4 to 5
[2][3][4][5][9] -- compare 5 to 9
[2][3][4][5][9] -- no changes (swaps) were made in the last run, so we are done!

2 Responses so far.

  1. copas dari mana gan? bagi ilmu dong :matabelo

  2. Googling aja sob... hoho...

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